Friday, 31 October 2014

31st October - Samhain

This is my last October Post in my blog!
I am trying to type this all before midnight but i have so much to say!

First of all.... Happy Samhain/Halloween.
I hope everyone has had a lovely day and night whatever way you celebrated it.
Tomorrow i will be moving into my flat properly.
Ill be taking all my belongings over and staying over all night, this is it, i have spent October trying to sort my life back out and i think I've done rather well!
Though i still hurt a little, my heart will surely heal soon anyways and its best not to think about that.
Yesterday we had our Album Launch and gig.
We rocked the venue! Absolutely loved every moment of it.
I was there early morning with Emma the curator and Claire, as my job as assistant curator is to help out, i was being very motivated and enthusiastic, i helped place the art pieces up along the corridor walls, had a latte in the cafe also.
I was running around like a headless chicken just slightly also but it was fun.
Sound check time came along, which was really fun also, checked all the light and all the different colours.

Also we have a physical form band album now too!

Very happy with the end results, our eight songs, the response we had, the people that came, how good the songs are, just a dream come true!
Search us on facebook!
We will be having a tour soon and we will also put our music up to listen to eventually also.
So much to do!

With a film project on the way in November plus im also going to do National Novel Writing Month Competition which i've mentioned before and then in December we tour the band again and also we have a exhibition at the discovery museum called a Natural Anthem!

I'm feeling a bit sensitive and emotional, coming to realize this month has been a very stressful and difficult one, my heart was ripped into pieces out of no where and it hurt like hell, and i cried, but now, i have picked myself up and its only forward and hopefully UP from here right? Right!
motivation and positivism and just believing you can do it, goes a long way.

Hope you all follow my journey into November! It should be much for fun! :D

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